Going to McDonalds, or any other fast food restaurant, after school and devouring the food without giving it much thought has become routine for most high school students, without thinking twice about how it affects our bodies. The biggest issue which most people are completely oblivious to is how it affects the country we live in. But if you are just the smallest bit of curious and care to know a bit more about the fast food you are eating, want to know where it came from, what its really made out of and how it affects the country you live in then Fast Food Nation by Eric Schlosser is going to take off the veil the fast food companies have put in front of your eyes, and you will see truly who these companies are. Schlosser goes into depth with these companies and reveals their dirty little secrets and shows how far greed has taken these fast food companies. This book was truly a four out a five stars book, a two thumbs up. I guarantee you that after you read this book you will think twice before even setting foot in any fast food restaurant again.
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